Friday, December 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Survey Work!

Court Order Survey

The Court Order Survey

On Saturday the 17 of November we have finished two and a half days watching the Rayong Administrative Court ordered survey by a Bangkok surveyor from the Ministry of the Interior. It was witnessed by Pattaya City Hall officials and representative of our condo. It started at the Pattaya Meteorological Station where a Mean Sea Level (MSL) reference pin is located. This pin is approximately 59 meters above sea level. Starting at this pin, measurements had to be made down to the sea by using surveying instruments to establish MSL in front of VT7.

This required two measurements for MSL depending on whether it is 0.0 as claimed by City Hall or +1.448 as claimed by the Bangkok surveyor that was established by the Thai Royal Navy as and average of all of Thailand. This claim is the same as has been explained in previous Admin Court hearings. This is the acceptable international standard establishing MSL in Thailand. From the international standard, which is at +1.448 meter elevation for MSL, the location of the VT7 building starts about 88 meters from MSL and the entire building is inside the 200 meter which is stated in Issue 9 as the limit for construction that is to be no more than 14 meters high. We now wait for the official report to the court by the Bangkok surveyor group. But if the local MSL of 2.45 meters from Sattahip Navy Base would be used the maker would be much higher onto the shore. MSL is a determined using a 19 year average of the sea levels.

The argument in court is between Issue 8 (100 meters) and Issue 9 (200 meters) and VT7 building failing both Issue 8 and 9. It is expected VT7 will lose their building permit or receive a new permit for only a 14 meter (4 stories) building?

The Mean Sea Level (MSL) brass maker is located at the Meteorological Station, Chonburi is in Pattaya. The maker belongs to Meteorological Department and the reason this maker was establish to check the atmosphere used in the measurement of atmospheric pressure. The MSL brass marker has a value of 58.989 meters from the sea level and was set by the Thai Royal Navy.

We thank all the JCC co-owners who are supporting our legal case!


Friday, September 28, 2007

VT7 Can Build up to 14 Meters High Condo

The Supreme Court, "therefore, gives an order to amend the order of the Administrative Court of First Instance. That the Defendant No. 2 shall cease the construction performed, under the Work Permit No. 162/2007 dated 28 November 2007, on the part exceeding 14 meter height.”

Request a Court Hearing to make 200 Meter Measurement

Request for Court Hearing:

The Administrative Court of Rayong Province

Date: September 2007

Mr. Aloysius Joannes Maria Tenbuelt No.1 and 9 Associates Litigants


Pattaya City Local Official First Prosecuted Person

View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd. Second Prosecuted Person

The 10 litigants would respectfully request that the Administrative Court sets a date for a hearing ,prior to the proposed measurement by the court appointed persons. To hear are evidence concerning our explanation regarding the 200 meter measurement as required in Issue 9 (2521).

We request that the surveyor make and 200 meter measurement when the survey is made as required in Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (2521).

We would like to note to the court that the Supreme Administrative Court order stated “Nevertheless, where No. 3 (8) under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 prescribed that the 200 meter line measured from the construction control line shown in the map annexed to the Royal Decree promulgating the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 governing Gambol Bang Lamung, Gambol Nhong Plalai, Gambol Na Klue and Gambol Nhong Prue of Ampur Bang Lamung Chonburi Province B.E. 2521 on the seaside shall be restricted from constructing of any building exceeding 14 meter high from road surface. Therefore, if the Construction Permit No. 162/2007 dated 28 November 2006 granted by the Defendant No. 1 to the Defendant No. 2 should appear to be unlawful against the Ministerial Regulation thereto as being claimed by the ten plaintiffs, the Court of First Instance should have sentenced this point of being unlawful, i.e. the judgment shall be focused on the of construction the building exceeding height limit by the Defendant No. 2.” The Supreme Administrative Court recognizes that only a measurement of 200 meters is acceptable and required when a survey is made under Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (2521) issue pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479.

The following is a quote from Mr. Surpass, Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning, from Bangkok letter dated 19 of June 2007. “The distance of 100 m as per point 3 of the Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued pursuant to the Building Control Act B. E. 2479 and the distance of 200 m. as per point 3 of the Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issued pursuant to the Building Control Act B. E. 2479 are not the same alignment. In that the alignment of the coat line in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (b. E. 2519) had not specified the measurement be taken at MSL. But in accordance with the Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 (B. E. 2521) it specified the measurement of the alignment of the coast line be taken only at MSL.” The Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning of Bangkok should be asked to make a map using the written Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (2521) issue pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 and map. Which specifies a 200 meter “measurement of the alignment of the coast line be taken only at MSL.” and to place both the location of View Talay Project 7 building with the alignment of the coast line at 200 meter on the same map.

Let the surveyor explain if it makes since to measure 100 meters into the sea before turning around and measure onto the land. Or if the ten litigants are correct in their Explanation to the court about the arrows on the Issue 9 map. “Arrow and the “100 Meter” remark is shown in red. Directly opposite there is a second arrow directing you to the “shoreline at mean sea level MSL”. The position or arrangements of these two arrow points, opposite of each other, on the map conventionally defines the distance between the “borderline of the construction restricted area” and the Coastal Line at mean sea level MSL is 100 Meters. Because the distance between the two lines is so small, the measurement of the two lines (= 100 Meters) is written at the left hand side. According to Mapping Standards, “

Also the Administrative Court could request Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning of Bangkok to make a second map. By using the written Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (2519) issue pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 and map to show 100 meter measurement alignment of the coast line and the location of View Talay Project 7 building.

Then this maps could be compared to determine if First prosecuted Person and the Second prosecuted Person was right when they claim Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (2521) issue pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 and Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued pursuant to the Building Control Act B. E. 2479 are the same alignment as they have claimed.

As a result of the above mentioned reasons, the 10 litigants would kindly request a court hearing date to be set,prior to the proposed measurement by the court appointed persons, and respectfully request to modify the order for the named expert witness not to measure 100 Meters, but to measure 200 Meters from mean sea level MSL which equals the Construction Control Line onto the land as this is as shown the only logical and legal point to measure and show that the planed construction of the Second Prosecuted Person is in the no-construction zone according to Ministerial Regulation Issue 9, or make both survey’s. Therefore, the 10 litigants request the court to revoke the construction permit No. 162/2007

Yours respectfully,

Mr. Amnat Thiengtham

Friday, September 21, 2007

Issue 9 is a zone not a line

Click on picture to enlarge

We filed Explanations Administrative Court

Click on photo to enlarge size


The Administrative Court of Rayong Province

Date: 31st August 2007

Mr. Aloysius Joannes Maria Tenbuelt No.1 and 9 Associates Litigants


Pattaya City Local Official First Prosecuted Person

View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd. Second Prosecuted Person

The undersigned is the legal representative of Mr. Aloysius Joannes Maria Tenbuelt, the No. 1 Litigant and 9 Associates, by Mr. Amnat Thiengtham, LL.M, the authorized person from the litigants, has received the Testimony of the First prosecuted Person dated 19th July 2007 on 26th July 2007. I would clarify the following statements made by the First prosecuted Person based on the hereunder mentioned reasons.

1.) The provisional order before judgment released by The Administrative Court of Rayong and the modified provisional order before judgment by the Supreme Administrative Court of Bangkok granted to the litigants was very fair and justified. The 10 litigants shall support fully to the Courts decisions.

2.) The 10 litigants would like to respond to the testimony of the authorized person of the First Prosecuted Person, Mr. Chatri Srivises, as follows:

The ten litigants would respectfully advise to the Administrative Court that the prosecution of this case was filed rightfully as the First prosecuted Person did not follow the steps and procedures necessary in considering the application for construction as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 and Mr. Amnat Thiengtham would like to clarify as follows:

The representative of the First Prosecuted Person reported in his testimony that the construction permit No.: 162/2007 was granted to the Second Prosecuted Person based on the usual procedures and steps as described in his testimony dated 19th July 2007.

According to the letter dated 22nd December 2006 by the Mayor of Pattaya Mr. Niranad Wattanasartsathorn addressed to the co-owners of Jomtien Complex it is outlined that the planed 27 storey condominium as planned by the Second Prosecuted Person must comply wit the Ministerial Regulation No.8 (B.E. 2519 issued by the virtue of Section 15 under the Building Control Act B.E. 2479.

Annex 1: Letter dated 22nd December 2006 by the Major of Pattaya.

This leads to the question how the First Prosecuted Person could possibly issue the construction permit in question in a legal way as Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 is overruled by Ministerial regulation Issue 9. We would kindly draw the attention of the court to the fact that the construction permit No. 162/2007 could not have been issued under the said Ministerial Regulation No. 8 but instead Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) must apply when considering the issue of a construction permit for the planed high rise building of the Second Prosecuted Person. During the course of the legal procedures the First Prosecuted Person agreed that Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) is applicable for the question if a construction permit can be legally issued or not.

Annex 2: Court protocol dated 28th March 2007 and 8th August 2007

The whole explanation of the First and Second Prosecuted Person until today shows an impressive lack of continuity.

1.) After the first hearing at the Administrative Court on 28th March 2007, the First Prosecuted Person gave an explanation on 4th April 2007 on how to do the measurement as the First Prosecuted Person interprets the law. We would kindly like to mention that this legal case issues with all parties involved a great amount of concern as the given Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) in it alone do not provide a clear answer. Therefore the need of obtaining Expert Witness Reports such as the Department of City Planning in Bangkok was necessary and obtained by the Court accordingly.

Annex 3: Letter of the Department of Civil Planning Bangkok Mor Thor __, dated ___.

The First prosecuted Person is therefore in no position to determine without doubt to describe the measurement. The First Prosecuted Person can only present its legal opinion. The map attached to Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 only shows the “border of control construction.” This is not a measure point as the Department of City Planning in Bangkok agreed in the meantime. The follow-up explanation that the extension of 100 Meters to 200 Meters (from Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 to Ministerial Regulation No 9) does also extend the measure point is not correct. It simply widens by “extending the restricted construction areas appeared in the map.” There is no need to measure seawards another 100 Meter as said by the First Prosecuted Person. The 100 Meter remark on the map attached to Ministerial regulation Issue 9 simply states that the distance between the “shoreline at mean sea level MSL” line to the “borderline of the restricted construction area” is 100 Meters. To follow this interpretation of the given legal framework shows absolutely no purpose and in fact breaches the given relevant Ministerial Regulation Issue 9. The First prosecuted Person would measure form “shoreline at mean sea level MSL” 100 Meters into the sea and than measure back the mentioned 200 Meters in Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 onto the land. This would result in a total measurement of 300 Meters (!). How can this be justified by read Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 which says measure 200 Meters only.

Annex 4: See Satellite Map. The red line gives a visual point of view of the First and Second Prosecuted Person’s Legal Opinion.

That this is contradictory was proven by the statement from the Department of Civil Planning in Bangkok which states clearly that the alignment forbidding construction of buildings exceeding 14 Meters on the landside, as per Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 and Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 are not the same alignment. The Second Prosecuted Person explained in its Appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court in Bangkok that the map and therefore the point of measurement must be understood that the alignment of building construction control line on the coastal line was beyond the shore line at Mean Sea Level extending into the sea a further distance of 100 Meter. However, the First and Second prosecuted Persons did not read the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 and 9 in full detail.

It is important to read the reasons of issuing each regulation. Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 reads under Remarks of the said Regulation: “Note: The reason issuing this Ministerial Regulation is that further to the Royal Decree Promulgating the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 applying to some areas of Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Na Klua and Tambol Nhong Prue of Amphur Bang Lamung of Chonburi Province B.E. 2499, and the aforesaid areas are open public resorts. It is appropriate that the areas shall not be allow to construct some kinds of building considered to disturb good environment and generating any kind of wastes, pollutions. This Ministerial Regulation is, therefore, issued.”

Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 “Note: The reason issuing this Ministerial Regulation due to the updating of the construction control areas in Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Na Khua and Tambol Nhong Prue, by extending the construction restriction areas as appeared in the map annexed to the Royal Decree Promulgating the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 controlling over the regions of Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Klua and Tambol Nhong Prue of Amphur Bang Lamung of Chonburi Province B.E. 2521. It is, therefore, appropriate to amend the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 governing restriction of the construction of some kinds of building within the controlling areas under the aforesaid Royal Decree”.

The key points are the updating of the map by “extending the construction restriction areas as appeared in the map annexed to the Royal Decree”. Also to establish by update for Ministerial Regulation No. 8 to giving a definable point for measuring placed on Issue 9 map. This is the “shoreline at mean sea level MSL” on the map for surveyors.

Annex 5: Comparison of the Map attached to Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 to show how the First prosecuted Person reads the map by marking the construction control line in blue color. See Map “A”. However, the First Prosecuted Person does not take into consideration the fact, that the blue line marks the borderline of the restricted construction zone as shown in Map “B”.

It is very important to compare the difference in the two maps issued with each regulation. Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) and Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 have clear differences. The most important one is, that both Ministerial Regulations do only speak of “ked” (NB: The Thai word for territory, land area or zone) and not “sen” (NB: The Thai Word for “line”). Therefore, the Ministerial Regulations have to be red with the meaning of “ked” and that means it must be measured within the territory or “borderline” as written at the map attached to Ministerial Regulation Issue 9. It is therefore quiet obvious that the First Prosecuted Person used the given terminology in the wrong way and therefore created all the present confusion. In the Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) establishes a borderline at the sea side or shoreline but doesn’t reference and measurable point or bench marker to which a surveyor could locate when doing a field measurements. A surveyed need a defendable point or bench marker, such as high tide or mean sea level MSL located at the sea side or shoreline to measure from. It is not clear or how, or possible, city hall surveyors could have ever located any 100 meter measurement when using the Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 as well as the attached Issue 8 map in doing field surveys without a measurable point or bench marker as a staring point.

In the explanations given letter Mor. Tor. 0710/4245 given by the Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning on 19th June 2007 the Chief Engineer Mr. Surapol Pongthaipattana answered to the question by the court under No. 2 that the distance of 100 Meter as per point 3 of the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E 2479 and the distance of 200 Meter as per Point 3 of the Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issue pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 are not the same alignment in that the alignment of the coastal line in accordance with the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) had not specified the measurement be taken at MSL,” or any definable point for a field survey but only the “border of control construction” on the Issue 8 map.

It was made very clear after the issuing of Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 map. Issue 9 map defines clearly a marker at the sea side or “shoreline at mean sea level MSL”. With the establishment of a definable measuring point at the “shoreline at mean sea level MSL” it is now possible to make field surveys and make measurements. But it is not understandable as claimed by the First and Second Prosecuted Person why any government body drawing and writing Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 map would want a surveyor to go into the sea 100 meters from mean sea level MSL before measuring onto the land? It is clear however that the arrow on the Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 map is used to define a measure distance to show the extending of the borderline of the construction restriction areas as it appears on the map to protect the environment as the reason claimed for updating the regulation.

Also, by increasing the measurable distance from 100 to 200 meter from MLS mean sea level onto the land for buildings over 14 meters high from the road level. This was done to help protect from disturbing the good environment. Also this protects the sea side areas open to public resorts and for the further citizens of Thailand uses without a concrete wall / jungle of tall condominiums at the shoreline.

The legal representative of the 10 litigants would like to describe the process of obtaining a construction permit under Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) and also present to the Court the outcome that it could not be done under the given law.

The legal representative would like to draw the attention of the court of the map attached to Ministerial Regulation No. 8. The map shows the “border of control construction” and set this border around four sides control construction of an area. This borderline can also be found on the Map attached to Ministerial Regulation Issue 9; however, the restricted area was extended an additional 100 Meter only along the coastal areas and not within the landmass such as along Sukhumvit Road. The First Prosecuted Person presented this Map as Testimony under No. 16 and marked only the “borderline of the construction restricted area” at the left on the map which shows the borderline at the seaside. However, to make the “construction restricted area” more clear and visible the representative of the 10 litigants added the same map which shows the complete “construction restricted area”. The blue line only indicates the outline of the “construction restricted area” and bares no relevance to a point of measurement. The green line indicates the “shore line at mean sea level MSL” which marks a definable point. In the order to give explanations by the letter Mor. Tor. 0710/4245 given by the Department of Civil Engineering and City Planing on 19th June 2007 the Chief Engineer Mr. Surapol Pongthaipattana answered to the question by the court under No. 2 that “The distance of 100 Meter as per point 3 of the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued pursuant the Buildings Control Act B.E 2479 and the distance of 200 Meter as per Point 3 of the Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issue pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 are not the same alignment in that the alignment of the coast line in accordance with the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) had not specified the measurement be taken at MSL, but in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) it specified the measurement of the alignment of the coastal line can only be taken at MSL”. Therefore, the logical consequence is that the “shore line at mean sea level MSL” as shown in the Map attached to Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) is equal to the construction control line.

The interpretation of the First Prosecuted Person to measure from mean sea level MSL 100 Meters into the sea to determine the Construction Control Line and than measure back 200 Meters to determine the no-construction zone is contradictory. The Map attached to Ministerial Regulation Issue No. 9 shows clearly an arrow directing you to the “borderline of the construction restricted area” with the dimension of 100 Meters.

Annex 6: See the map attached with visual highlighting of the arrows in questions.

For the convenience of the Court the Arrow and the “100 Meter” remark is shown in red. Directly opposite there is a second arrow directing you to the “shoreline at mean sea level MSL”. The position or arrangements of these two arrow points, opposite of each other, on the map conventionally defines the distance between the “borderline of the construction restricted area” and the Coastal Line at mean sea level MSL is 100 Meters. Because the distance between the two lines is so small, the measurement of the two lines (= 100 Meters) is written at the left hand side. According to Mapping Standards, the distance between two line, provide the lines allow the necessary space is written between the lines, like for instance at the Ministerial Regulation for the use in the Control of City Planning inclusive of Pattaya City B.C. 2546 which shows a measurement of 600 Meters in the light green zone which is earmarked for Open land for Recreation and Protection for Environmental Land.

Annex 7: See extract from the said Map with visual highlighting.

This opinion is supported by other Thai Ministerial Regulations dealing with similar building construction restrictions within the coastal areas as shown as in Ministerial Regulation No. 30 and 31 (B.E. 2534) and can be seen as the intention of the relevant body responsible of drafting these Ministerial Regulations.

Annex 8: See Thai Ministerial Regulations No. 30 and 31 (B.E. 2534) and maps as an example.

Moreover, the handling of the measurement described by the legal representative of the 10 litigants is also in accordance with a practical handling. Assumed the interpretation of the First Prosecuted Person would be followed. The measurement from mean sea level MSL at shoreline would always provide a clear and stable point of measurement with non-doubtful results. To make a second measurement into the sea is nonsensical and would incur additional cost, time and difficulty in addition maintaining accuracy due to the seas perpetual movements, unlike dry land.

Finally, the 10 litigants would like to draw the attention of the court to the simple fact that the First Prosecuted Person never showed any legal purpose of why to measure like it was done in the First Prosecuted Person’s opinion. In the opinion of the 10 Litigants the purpose of Issue 9 was to increase the "construction restricted area" to include 100 meters of the sea along coastal areas, and to change the restriction on construction's above 14 meters from 100 meters to 200 meters from the “shoreline at mean sea level MSL”. One reason to include the sea in the "construction restricted area" is for example Walking Street at Pattaya Beach Road which still to this day has non-maritime constructions entering the sea.

Annex 9: See Satellite Map of Pattaya Walking Street on Beach Road.

"Border line of the construction restricted area" set 100 meters into the sea was also to prevent further violations of this nature. That is why is makes sense that the “construction control line” is located at the “coast line” at MSL between position 2 and position 1. These constructions in Walking Street are reputedly been in violation of the building code. The positioning of “construction control line” located at the “coast line” at MSL between position 2 and position 1, followed by the "borderline of the construction restricted area " being extended out a further 100 meters into the sea, helps prevent further construction violations of this type from being built. Therefore, following these explanations and measuring 200 Meters from mean sea level MSL landwards which acts at the coastal area as construction control line the planed building of the Second Prosecuted Person is in our understanding in violation with the given laws as the plot of land is located in the no-construction zone. As another example to strengthen the legal purpose of why the “borderline of the construction restricted area” was extended can serve the Naklua Market, which also shows construction built into the sea.

Annex 10: See Satellite Picture of Naklua Market.

That this shown legal purpose is not without reason can be seen at the very neighborhood at Jomtien Complex Condotel when the court would kindly draw its attention to the “Jomtien Condotel” or “Grand Condotel” which fulfills the legal requirements of Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 and obey the 200 Meter no-construction zone.

Annex 11: See Satellite Picture shown the distances from MSL at Sea Shore Line.

The First prosecuted Person also claimed that on 20th November 2006, the specialist committee on environmental had passed the consent that the construction shall not impact the environment according to the study of the committee. The Office of the Natural resources and Environmental Policy and Planning has concurred to the construction. When considering the document, it was prepared by private organization S.P.S. Consulting Service Co., Ltd. and presented to the meeting secretary for approval to match with the resolution of the specialist committee. This was arranged to look as if the study was made from the prearranged document. The consent was approved to the construction of the project owned by the second prosecuted person. The litigants were of the opinion that the study was not actually made in accordance with the given regulation. For example, the 10 litigants and the co-owners as well as other neighboring communities had to be asked concerning their opinion as well as the approval of the planed project of the Second Prosecuted Person. This was a stipulated requirement by the Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning in the letter dated 3rd March 2006.

Annex 12: See letter dated 3rd March 2006 form the Office of the Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning.

The hired consulting company S.P.S Consulting Co., Ltd. handed out questionnaires to the co-owners of Jomtien Complex Condotel. The co-owners filled out the questionnaire in a common sense with the result to express the most negative impact of the planed condominium.

Annex 13: See sample questionnaire handed out by S.P.S Consulting Co., Ltd. .

It is the opinion of the 10 litigants that this handling of handing out questionnaires to co-owners and probably other neighboring communities does not fulfill the given requirement. Finally this does not stipulate an approval of whatsoever kind. Up to this moment, there has no evidence to verify that that the report on environmental impact of the construction project of the second prosecuted person is free from defects or was revoked as there are no government units assigned to examine the standards and requirements according to the application submitted with the Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning. This is a very crucial issue that all ten litigants would emphasize the Administrative Court to request the complete files from the Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning to be part of the legal proceedings and focus and judge to revoke the Construction Permit granted to the Second Prosecuted Person accordingly.

The 10 litigants would like to draw the attention of the court to another important fact which does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Court. However, the 10 litigants feel the need to touch this civil law issue in response to the testimony of the First Prosecuted Person when it was said that the buyers of Jomtien Complex Condotel which is located on the roadside of Thappraya Road and not by the seaside would have expected some big condominium building to be built at a later date and block off the sea view, sea breeze, lightning, etc. . The buyers of Jomtien Complex made their decision to buy a condominium unit in Jomtien Complex based on the information given by them in the attached sales brochure.

Annex 14: See Sales Brochure of Jomtien Complex Condotel Co., Ltd. .

The 10 litigants want to clarify that the Jomtien Complex Condotel may be located on the roadside of Thappraya Road, however all units were sold having a panoramic sea view (see Sales Brochure of Jomtien Complex Condotel Co., Ltd.) This panoramic sea view would still be guaranteed if the original developer would fulfilled his promises and erecting a hotel as can be seen on the master-plan of the whole project. Finally, Mr. Ponsak, the Building Manager of Jomtien Complex Condotel Co., Ltd. said to the 10 Litigants after the sale of the land was public knowledge, that there is nothing to worry as the land was sold to a Hotel Developer and that it could only be developed as prescribed at the original Master Plan of the whole project.

Annex: 15: See extract from Sales Brochure showing the original development of the whole project.

As a result of the above mentioned reasons, the 10 litigants would kindly ask the court to modify the order for the to be named expert witness not to measure 100 Meters, but to measure 200 Meters from mean sea level MSL which equals the Construction Control Line onto the land as this is as shown the only logical and legal point to measure and show that the planed construction of the Second Prosecuted Person is in the no-construction zone according to Ministerial Regulation Issue 9. Therefore, the 10 litigants request the court to revoke the construction permit No. 162/2007

Yours respectfully,

Mr. Amnat Thiengtham

Friday, August 31, 2007

100 meter from MSL compared to 200 meters from MSL

Double click on photo to enlarge size.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8 Admin Court hearing in Rayon has not concluded our case

Pattaya City hall and VT7 could not agree with Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning from Bangkok explanation of issue 9. They keep confusing how to measure from MSL.

The Bangkok man could not answer any of the judge’s questions which were not written in his office letter. This left unanswered questions.

The court is going to order the Thai Port Authority and the Bangkok Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning to take measurement and make a map for the court. The map will show where VT7 building is located as to issue 9 alignment.

The stopvt7 group is going to hire an expert to watch over the taking of measurement and making of the map.

VT7 can keep working but not build over 14 meters high.

Their will be another court hearing.

The Bangkok letter form Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning explains the following?

    1. The distance of 100 meters in Issue 8 and the distance of 200 meters Issue 9 are not the same alignment.
    2. Issue 9 specified that the measurement of the alignment of the cost line be taken only at MSL (mean sea level). This setting 200 meters measured from MSL for alignment of alignment before you can build over 14 meters.
    3. City Hall and VT7 as made false claims in court by claim Issue 8 and Issue 9 as the same alignment before you can build over 14.

Quote from Mr. Surapol 19 of June 2007 Department of Civil Engineering and City Planning Bangkok letter: “The distance of 100 m as per point 3 of the Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued pursuant to the Building Control Act B. E. 2479 and the distance of 200 m. as per point 3 of the Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issued pursuant to the Building Control Act B. E. 2479 are not the same alignment. In that the alignment of the coat line in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation Issue 8 (b. E. 2519) had not specified the measurement be taken at MSL. But in accordance with the Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 (B. E. 2521) it specified the measurement of the alignment of the coast line be taken only at MSL.”

Chief Engineer Acting on Behalf of the Director General
Department of Civil Engineering and City प्लानिंग

Where was in writing the claim to measure into the sea started? It was from Pattaya City Hall Explanations to the court. Fine a English translation below!

Asia LawWorks Co., Ltd.

A t t o r n e y s – a t – L a w
R e c h t s a n w ä l t e


Royal Insignia
Explanations Case Black Number 54/2550

Administrative Court, Rayong

4th April 2007

Mr. T….. A, Jo, Maria 1 and Group, 10 in all plaint makers


Competent officer of locale of Pattaya City 1
And group altogether 2 plaint receivers

I, the competent officer of locale of Pattaya City, Mr. Niran Wattanasartsathorn, plaint receiver, address Pattaya City Hall, North Pattaya, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi 20260 Tel. 038-253242-3 have understood the plaint throughout and would like to give explanations and facts as follows:

1. Mean sea level means the average of sea water at high tide and low tide calculated by the Department of Hydrography of the Navy with a point of reference at Koh Lak, Prachuab Kiri Khan province and used this level as the reference point in Thailand, for instance at the Land Office there shall have a mean sea level as point of reference to be referred to (as per document 1).
2. According to the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 (B.E. 2519) issued pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479, point 3 stipulating an area within 100 m. measuring from the building construction control line as per map attached to the Act, effective as the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 in the locale of Banglamung sub-district, Naklua sub-district and Nongprue sub-district, Banglamung district, Chonburi province B.E.2479 on the seafront side a building having the height above 14 m. from road level may not be erected. The alignment of the buildings construction control pursuant to the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 was the same alignment with the alignment of the coastline at the median sea level as per map attached to the Act above.
3. According to the Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) issued pursuant to the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479, point 3 stipulating an area within 200 m. measuring from the building construction control line as per map attached to the Act effective as the Buildings Control Act B.E. 2479 in the locale of Banglamung sub-district, Naklua sub-district and Nongprue sub-district, Banglamung district, Chonburi province B.E.2521 on the seafront side a building having the height above 14 m. may not be erected. The alignment of the buildings construction control pursuant to the Ministerial Regulations Issue 9, there had been an alteration to the plan attached to the Act stipulating the alignment of the building construction control line measuring seaward from the shoreline at the median sea level MSL a further 100 m. as the starting point of the alignment of the building construction control area. When there had been an extension of the alignment of the building construction control area stipulating the area within 200 m., measuring from the building construction control line was an area where a building having the height above 14 m. from road level may not be erected, according to the map attached to the Act the seashore where the median level of the sea was thus the same alignment with the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8. Therefore the alignment of the building construction control line then was extended seaward for 100 m. from the seashore at the mean sea level and on land the stipulated alignment was the original 100 m. as per the Ministerial Regulations Issue 8. If stipulated within 200 m. from the building control line as the end of the improvement to building zone the alignment forbidding construction, land side, as per Ministerial Regulations Issue 8 and Ministerial Regulations Issue 9 are then the same alignment.

4. The case of Rim View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd. had submitted a letter dated 27th August 2005 for Pattaya City Hall to inspect the 100 m distance from the median sea level for Title Deed 104646, Nongprue sub-district, Banglamung district, Chonburi province. Pattaya City Hall had entrusted Mr. Chavalit Jariyabanjong in the position of Traffic Researcher 6 (Vor) to determine the distance of 100 m. from the alignment of the sea shore at median sea level holding the base marker in the area of the Meteorological Station, Khao Thappraya which the Navy had transferred the level value from Koh Lak in Prachuab Kiri Khan province. Pattaya City had therefore used the said basic level to find the mean level of the sea for Title Deed No. 104646, Nongprue sub-district, Banglamung district, Chonburi province of View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd. (as per document attached No. 2).
5. The legal section has found the definition of mean sea level from the forestry technical survey, forestry engineering branch, forestry faculty, Kasetsart University who stated that the mean sea level was the average of the highest and the lowest tide levels of the sea. This mean level is considered international but it did not mean that the mean sea level was the same all over the world. The difference on mean sea level in America between Pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean differed about 1 m. (as per attached document No. 3)

Signed ………………………. Statement maker
(Mr. Niran Wattanasartsathorn)
Mayor Pattaya City

This explanation I, Miss Benjawan Chinnapat, lawyer 4 , Pattaya City was the arranger and typist.

Signed…………………………. arranger/ typist
(Miss Benjawan Chinnapat)
Lawyer 4

Royal Insignia
Ref: Chor. Bor 52303/5548 Pattaya City Hall
North Pattaya Road
Chonburi 20260

9th September 2005

Re: Please advise the 100 m distance from the median sea level

To: Mr. Kriengkrai Panichphakdi

In reference to: Letter from View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd dated 27th August 2005

Enclosure: Copy of Title Deed 104646, 1 copy

In response to the request from View Talay Jomtien Condominium (1999) Co., Ltd., represented by Mr. Kriengkrai Phanichphakdi, Director, owner of Title Deed No. 104646, Nongprue sub-district, Banglamung district, Chonburi province to investigate the distance of 100 m. from the median sea level, Pattaya City has investigated and stipulated the distance of 100 m. from the median sea level as per detail attached.

Please be advised accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Niran Wattanasartsathorn
Mayor, Pattaya City

Buildings Control Section and City Planning Signed
Civil Office, Pattaya City Mr. Pornsakdi

Sunday, August 5, 2007

1 of August 2007 Supreme Admin Court Con conclusion!

The Supreme Court, therefore, gives an order to amend the order of the Administrative Court of First Instance. That the Defendant No. 2 shall cease the construction performed, under the Work Permit No. 162/2007 dated 28 November 2007, on the part exceeding 14 meter height। On a temporary basis until the Court has ordered otherwise.

Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521) under the Building Construction Control Act B.E.2479 allows for building up to14 meters high from road level.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Supreme Administrative Court decide was read and give in Rayon on 1 of August 2007.

The following is an English translation of the court last 3 pages of their order:

The point to be considered further is that whether it is reasonable and justified to apply provisional measure or temporary safeguard before judgment as requested by the ten plaintiffs. The judge considered that while the plaintiffs are filing the case, the building is being constructed by the Defendant No. 2. The construction is preparing the land site, foundation piles are being knocked down into the base soil. The knocking was so hard that the condominium of the ten plaintiffs was cracked. Construction was processed without dust cover or protection resulting air pollution. While the Administrative Court of First Instance examining the parties to apply the temporary protection or provisional measure before judgment, the lawyer authorized by the ten plaintiffs testified that the construction has already passed the foundation piles knocking. Pillars are being formed up. This verifies that the Defendant No.2 intends to continue the construction. The plaintiffs, who live in Jomthien Complex Condotel Condominium, as well as other neighbouring residents in the construction areas, can possibly be suffered and damaged from the construction as being stated in the motive, i.e. while the building going taller or higher, the wind direction from Jomthien sea can change its direction and not blowing towards Jomthien Complex Condotel like before. The sea scenery shall be blocked off by the new building disrupting the good health of the existing residents. As the building being constructed by the Defendant No. 2 is as high as 27 storeys, or about 81 meters which is close the height of the condominium being stayed by the plaintiffs. Therefore, if the construction of disputed building continues, it is difficult to remedy the problem at a later date because if the Court revokes the construction permit at the end of the trial, the building shall be demolished accordingly to the Court’s order. The demolishing should require long period to accomplish. As long the building was not completely demolished, the ten plaintiffs shall be suffered by the building. Besides, the demolishing cannot serve as the remedial action to the disturbance or damage the plaintiffs have already suffered before the demolishing completed.

The circumstance is justified to the Court to order provisional measure, or give temporary protection before judgment that the Defendant No. 2 temporary ceasing the construction of the building according to the Construction Permit No. 162/2007 dated 28 November 2006 until the Court gives judgment or orders otherwise.

The last question to be considered is that whether the provisional measure before judgment shall render negative effect to the Defendant No. 1 on their routine administration. The consideration was that when the Court has the order to give temporary protection and issuance of the provisional measure to cease the construction of the building is only involved with the construction work at the site. There is nothing to enforce or change or to affect whatsoever to the Work Permit that the Defendant No. 1 issued. Therefore, the Court’s order is not interfering with the administration of the Defendant No. 1

Nevertheless, where No. 3 (8) under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) issued by the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 prescribed that the 200 meter line measured from the construction control line shown in the map annexed to the Royal Decree promulgating the Building Control Act B.E. 2479 governing Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Klue and Tambol Nhong Prue of Ampur Bang Lamung Chonburi Province B.E. 2521 on the seaside shall be restricted from constructing of any building exceeding 14 meter high from road surface. Therefore, if the Construction Permit No. 162/2007 dated 28 November 2006 granted by the Defendant No. 1 to the Defendant No. 2 should appear to be unlawful against the Ministerial Regulation thereto as being claimed by the ten plaintiffs, the Court of First Instance should have sentenced this point of being unlawful, i.e. the judgment shall be focused on the permission of construction the building exceeding height limit by the Defendant No. 2. Whilst the Administrative Court of First Instance ordered the provisional measure to cease construction before judgment, the building’s base rocks were built, the construction did not reach the height limit of 14 meter above the road surface. Where the Administrative Court of First Instance issued the order of provisional measure to effect temporary protection by ceasing the entire construction is, therefore, in excess of what reasonable under the circumstances.

The Supreme Court, therefore, gives an order to amend the order of the Administrative Court of First Instance. That the Defendant No. 2 shall cease the construction performed, under the Work Permit No. 162/2007 dated 28 November 2007, on the part exceeding 14 meter height. On a temporary basis until the Court has ordered otherwise.

Mr. Vorapoj Visarutpich

Judge of Supreme Administrative Court

Mr. Amnaj Singgovin

Chief Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court

Mr. Vichai Chuenchompoonuj

Judge of Supreme Administrative Court

Mr. Paiboon Siengkong

Judge of Supreme Administrative Court

Mr. Udomsak Nimitmontri
Judge of Supreme Administrative Court

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bangkok Post Business Section of August 2, 2007


Pattaya high-rise protesters win court battle

Residents of the Jomthien Complex Condotel have won a case at the Bangkok Supreme Administrative Court affirming their request for a temporary halt to the construction of a high-rise condominium on Jomthien beach in Pattaya.

The court upheld the decision of the Administrative Court in Rayong in a dispute that centred on the construction of the 1.15-billion-baht View Talay Jomthien Project 7, which would rise 27 storeys or about 81 metres.

The final hearing on whether the project could proceed in its present form is scheduled to be held in the Rayong Court next Wednesday.

The dispute centres on whether a project of the height in question could be constructed at the location, as the 10 plaintiffs argued that buildings cannot exceed 14 metres in height on the site because it is less than 200 metres from the mean sea level.

View Talay Jomthien Condominium (1999) Co Ltd, the project's developer, explained to the Supreme Administrative Court that halting construction would cause damages of about 500 million baht to the company.

When the court in Rayong issued its injunction to halt the construction in April, the company had already invested about 100 million baht in the project, which is scheduled to be complete in 2009. Therefore, the company appealed the decision of the Rayong court and asked to continue with the construction.

Richard Haines, one of the plaintiffs, said the Supreme Administration Court's decision upheld the Interior Ministry's regulation No. 9, announced in 1978, which allows only buildings of no more than 14 metres high to be built in areas 200 metres from the mean sea level.

''View Talay started its 27-storey building at 100 metres from the mean sea level, so the project is 100 metres too close to the shoreline,'' he said.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Answer to VT7 Appeal at the Bangkok Supreme Administrative Court!

VT7 has filed a Appeal to the Bangkok Supreme Administrative Court asking for permissions to Start back to work while the finely court decision is decided. I been ask to share our answers to the Bangkok Supreme Administrative Court. Your many read below.

Black Case No. 54/2550
Motion Replying to an Appeal
The Administrative Court of Rayong Province
Date 11 June 2007

Mr. T. No. 1 and 10 Associates Litigants
Pattaya City Local Official First Prosecuted Person
View Talay Jomthien Condominium (1999) Second Prosecuted Person

The undersigned, is the legal representative of Mr. T. No. 1 Litigant and 10 Associates , by Mr. Amnaj Thiengtham, the authorized person from the litigants, has received the Appeal Motion to set forth the provisional measures before judgment filed by No. 2 prosecuted person on 2 June 2007. I would clarify the following statement based on the hereunder reasons in replying to the Appeal Motion filed by him.

The provisional order before judgment released by The Administrative Court of Rayong Province granted to the litigants was very fair and justify. The 10 litigants shall support fully to the Court decision on the following grounds:

The ten litigants filed the prosecution against Pattaya City local official as the only prosecuted person. The Administrative Court of Rayong later on ordered the second prosecuted person to be the jointed prosecuted person. The litigant originally filed the charge on the ground that the prosecuted person No. 1 issuing Construction Permit No. 162/250 dated 28 November 2006 to View Talay Jomthien Condominium (1999), the prosecuted person No. 2, to construct a permanent big-sized, high-rise, residential building consisting 912 condominium

units, 24 commercial units, 27 storey high with roof deck, of 101,469 square meters space complete with parking area of 11,708 square meters (418 car parking capacity), with 1,134 square meter swimming pool, connected to Jomthien Beach, Pattaya City. The ten litigants as well as other residents of Jomthien Complex Condotel shall be damaged from scenery, and wind blow blocked up by the construction of the new residential building.
The impact shall also incur to many other residents in the same area even that they have not yet filed the case with the Administrative Court .
The ten litigants were of the opinion that Pattaya Muncipal Official, who is the authorized person to consider and grant Construction Permit under the provision of Condominium Act B.E. 2522, had breached his statutory duty by mean of inconsistence to the appropriate consideration and measures prescribed under the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) issued under the virtue of the Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 Article 3 restricting the 200 meter no construction zone shown in the Map annexed to the Royal Decree to enforce the Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, governing the areas of Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Klua, Tambol Nhong Prue, Ampur Bang Lamung, Chonburi Province at the seaside, to be No-Construction Zone. The Sub-Section 8 also restricts that construction application of building exceeding 14 meter high from road level shall not be granted. The announcement has come into enforcement since 23 November 1978 and still valid up to now without correction or amendment.
After the plaintiff and temporary protection motion received by the Administrative Court of Rayong Province , the Court then order the hearing schedule on 28 March 2007 .
The 10 litigants agreed with the judgment of the Administrative Court that the judgment released was in fair justice complete with reasonable grounds. The charge was filed with Court and the Administrative Court of Rayong Province and the plaint was accepted by the Court on 12 March 2007 . The Court issued its appointment for hearing on 16 March 2007 . The provisional measures before judgment were released on 28 March 2007 . When the Court had its hearing on both parties, issued the provisional measures before judgment to

temporarily cease the construction granted by the Permit License No. 162/250 dated 28 November 2006 until further order on 9 April 2007 taking as much as 12 days so that the Court was very fair to both parties. The methods of hearing, the taking of evidence reflected that the first prosecuted person failed to satisfy the Court with relevant law, i.e. Mr. Pornsak Piyakamolrat, the Civil Engineer Grade 7, the proxy of the first prosecuted person testified on Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) and Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) issued under the virtue of the Building Control Act B.E. 2547, still valid under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 setting 100 meter distance from the construction control area, but later amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 increasing the distance to 200 meters. Mr. Pornsak merely vaguely claimed that the measurement from the construction area under Ministerial Regulation No. 8 and No. 9 remained to be 100 meters. But the Ministerial Regulation (amended) was measured at 100 meters extended into the sea without clear provision of the law he referred while being testified in front of the Court. Because unless otherwise the Regulation No. 8, while being updated to No. 9, based on whatsoever reasons to set 200 meter standard from construction control area. His evidences taken in front of the Court was unable to finalize the matter, but only mixed with his statement of additional 100 meter distance was measured from the average seatide or from the construction control area into the sea of 100 meter far to make the total 200 meters as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9. Mr. Preecha Techamuanviyavit, the authorized representative from the second prosecuted person equally failed to testify in favour to this case. The Court’ order to cease the construction is, therefore, regarded to be fair and correct.
The second prosecuted person claimed that the Construction Permit issued by the local official of Pattaya City was in line with the proper procedures set by law. The Official has no whatsoever benefits from the second prosecuted person. This matter is proven by the ten litigants in the Court that the permission of construction permit was executed in a doubtful manner or not. The Permit was released on 29 November 2006 with the Permit No. 162/2550. Actually, the Permit No. should read No. ………. / 2550.
The second prosecuted person claimed that Mr. Amnaj Thiengtham, the legal representative of the litigants, the point of measurement of the 200 meter distance, under the provision of the Ministerial Regulation No. 9, the average seawater point means the lowest seatide point, which shall effect the construction point of 200 meter no-construction zone if measured from there.
This statement was untrue. The fact was that Mr. Amnaj Thiengtham testified that even though measuring from the average seawater point, meaning the lowest seaside, if measured to the building construction point, the building is well within 100 meters and not 200 meters.
When the letter of Mr. Kriengchai Panichpakdi, the owner of the land on which the building is to be constructed, is considered, the owner requested Pattaya City to examine the 100 meter distance from the land. Considering the map on 100 meter concern as requested, the distance of 100 meter line was already extended into part of the land of construction. If further 100 meter is measured according to the Ministerial Regulation No. 9, it is clearly that the line of the second 100 meter almost went through the whole piece of land. This verifies that the land of the prosecuted person can never build a 27-storey building according to law.
The prosecuted person also claimed that on 20 November 2006 , the specialist committee on environmental had passed the consent that the construction shall not impact environment according to the study of the committee. The Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning has concurred to the construction (Annex No. 2 refers). When considering the document, it was prepared by private organization, S.P.S. Consulting Service Co., Ltd., and presented to the meeting secretary for approval to match with the resolution of the specialist committee. This was arranged to look as if the study was made from the prearranged document. The consent was approved to the construction of the project owned by the second prosecuted person. The litigants were of the opinion that the study was not actually carried out by government unit, not by the Office of the Natural Resources and Environment Policy and Planning, or by Pattaya Municipal Office. The ten litigants did not agree that this is not the end of the story. The second prosecuted person is obliged to submit subsequent reports to the committee until the construction is complete. Up to this moment, there has no evidence to verify that the report on environmental impact of the construction project of the second prosecuted person is free from defects or was revoked, as there are no any government units were assigned to examine the standards according to the application submitted with the Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning. This is the most crucial issue that all ten litigants would emphasize the Administrative Court to focus and judge the revoke of Construction Permit granted to the second prosecuted person accordingly. The next issue that claimed by the second prosecuted person that should the Administrative Court of Rayong Province’s order the provision measure before judgment continues, not only unfair and damage shall affect the second prosecuted person, but the first prosecuted person shall also be damaged such as Pattaya City’s image or reputation. Pattaya City might be sued against a big amount of money. The legal action might be involved other third party persons.

In the eyes of foreigners, the country’s image shall also be ruined. The second prosecuted person also referred to the very high cost of the project investment. Construction cost was estimated at 10,000 baht per one square meter. The whole project, based on this price, shall be 1,155,720,000 baht in total. Construction has started in some parts of the project worth about 100 million baht. The Court’s order to temporarily suspend the construction shall lead to damage and against the stated conditions in the Construction Permit.
The ten litigants would respectfully advise to the Supreme Administrative Court that the prosecution of this case was filed rightfully on the basis of Public Law which covers the protection of public interest which must be supported by the state. The Public Interest under the Public Law is more important than private interest. The interest of the second prosecuted person, a private person, is less important than public interest. The reason of suspending the construction was based on the fact that the building is so huge and 27-storey high, having 912 residential units, 24 commercial shops, total area of 101,469 square meters, parking space of 11,708 square meters for 418 cars, swimming pool of 1,134 square meters, pipeline of 1,126 meter long. The first and second prosecuted persons ought to be very careful when considering issuing Construction Permit and the business execution of the second prosecuted person must not be inconsistent to law governing high-rise building in terms of obstruction to wind direction, scenery of sea view to other buildings resulting in many negative impacts to infringe the right of nearby residents. Both prosecuted persons did not give clear evidences to Court at the hearing to answer the Court’s question of the exact point to measure the 200 meters under the Ministerial Regulation amended to Ministerial Regulation No. 9 B.E. 2521. The preparation of document stating 200 meter measuring point clarified to the Appeal Court of Rayong Province on 4 April 2007 (Annex No. 1) was to explain the average seawater level, i.e. the highest and the lowest tides. The claiming was on the construction control line stated on the map annexed to the Royal Decree Controlling The Building Construction B.E. 2479 also prescribed that the 100 meter line were set without dotted line to explain the control line extended of another 100 meters into the sea to make the distance total becomes 200 meters by the meaning of the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2519). Besides, the second prosecuted person referred to the inquired letter sent to the Office of the Civil Works and City Planning of Chonburi Province on the searching of average seawater level (Annex No. 7 to Appeal Documents) without inquiring about the construction control line as prescribed under the Ministerial

Regulation No. 8. The inquiry was requesting about the assistance to find out the average sea level (MSL) at Na Jomthien Beach area. The answer remained the same, i.e. the construction of the second prosecuted person is within the 100 meter line from MSL and not from the construction control line under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 and 9. Other crucial point is the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 Special Issue page 6 Volume 95 Section 157 announced in the Government Gazette dated 31 December 1988 did not contain the clear explanation or confirmation on the 100 meter line into the sea to be added to the original 100 meter line. The provision in this Regulation mentioned about the seaside only. It is therefore assumed that the first prosecuted person interpreted the contents by himself without giving contradict to the Construction Permit No. 162/2550 released the reason of over 100 meters.
The 100 meter line prescribed under Ministerial Regulation No. 8 enforced in1976 then amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 two years later. The first prosecuted person claimed that according to the spirit of the law that the distance of 100 meter from the construction control area, when amended, by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9, remain unchanged. Where the two laws refer the same distance of 100 meters, there should not good reason to change the distance to 200 meters. This statement of the first prosecuted person, therefore, was not entirely believed by the Administrative Court of Rayong Province . The Court believes that the law should have good reason for amending the Ministerial Regulation from No. 8 to No. 9. The measuring point from construction control area or from the coastline of MSL must be clearly identified. The information presented by the ten litigants that the construction of the second prosecuted person, if 100 meter line measured from the MSL, then extruded the Land Title Deed of the second prosecuted person.
The Appeal of the second prosecuted person filed with the Supreme Administrative Court contains steps of laws and supported with chart and map to explain to the Court that Pattaya City and The Civil Works and City Planning Office of Chonburi Province are government units. The 100 meter line from MSL should be correct without any suspicion. The claim that the measurer shall not be bound to civil or criminal offense was only understood of discussion and inquiring points by the second prosecuted person. It is not the

offense of the first prosecuted person or the Office of Civil Works and City Planning of Chonburi Province . It was merely the discussion and inquiry on the measurement from MSL. However, the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 in corroboration with No. 9 mentioned clearly that the 100 or 200 meter line must be measured from the construction control at the distance of 200 meters and not from the MSL as inquired and discussed. Where the Construction Permit was granted by Pattaya City to the second prosecuted person by fixing the measuring line of 100 meters from MSL, the issuing as such shall not be deemed as correct under the condition and procedure of issuing Construction Permit to the second prosecuted person prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9
The map annexed to the Royal Decree on Construction Control B.E. 2479 governing Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Klua, Tambol Nhong Prue, Ampur Bang Lamung of Chonburi Province under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 in corroboration with No. 9 was shown in the scale of 1 : 50,000. It is therefore necessary to have an expert to identify the starting point of measurement from the construction area for the precision of law enforcement on 200 meter line. The answer made by either the first or second prosecution person was not clear.
Where the ten litigants referred to the satellite photo measured from the construction line that the distance is only 100 meters and not 200 meters set forth by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9. (Refer to the Annex to the replying to an Appeal No. ………….).
The definition of “Construction Control Boarder Line” under the Construction Control Decree B.E. 2479 or the Construction Control Decree No. 2 B.E. 2504 or the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 B.E. 2519 or the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 B.E. 2521 or other relevant Ministerial Regulations do not have clear prescription on the construction control line and how the measurement be properly done. It is the duty of the government official or the second prosecuted person to search the fact on this “Matter of Law” to present the Court in justification of unequivocal that the Construction Permit was legally issued.
Other facts that presented to the Court by the second prosecuted person ranging from No. 12 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and (6) respectively have been pleaded
by the ten litigants for justice and clear explanation from government units, government officials, but their requests were not responded and clarified under the extent of law. It is logical that the ten litigants shall bring this matter up to seek fairness and justice from the Administrative Court who is the last dependable institution of damaged people. Should the government officials or government units respond clearly and be helpful to them in the first place, there should not be this case brought up to this Court.
In view of the foregoing, I would be grateful if the Administrative Court of Rayong Province should affirm its Order dated 9 April 2007 that the second prosecuted person cease the construction of the building under Construction Permit No. 162/2550 dated 28 November 2006 until the Court orders otherwise.
Signed ………………… Authorized Person by the Litigants
(Amnaj Thiengtham)
Asia LawWorks