Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bangkok Administrative Court Decision

On December 18 at 10:00 the Bangkok Administrative Court will give their decision. This decision will rule on the 200-meter measurement. Which is going to determine if Pattaya City Hall gave a legal building permit for the construction of View Talay 5, 6 and 7.

We thank K Srisuwan and the Stop Global Warming Association for bring this legal action.  


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

And what is the verdict?
Torbjörn, JCC

jcccoowner said...

Any chance left? Regardless of outcome, a fight well-fought to the bitter end. Thank You.

The stopvt7 group said...

We are waiting the Supreme Administrative Court decision. When will they decide? We don't know.

Khun Srisuwan and the Stop Global Warming Association are making their appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court.
The court decision failed to follow the Issue 9, that “extending the construction restriction areas”. The decision decreased the “construction restriction areas” that issue 8 protected.
Because Issue 8 measures 100 meters onto the land from high tide and the Bangkok court said no measure 100 meters onto the land from “MSL” mean sea level. Then measure 100 meters into the sea and add the two measurements together. That act decreases the protected area to about 80 meter from high tide.
Where did the judge’s study math?

Unknown said...

Any update? How big do you expect the chance to get VT7 down? And what's about the newer property owner who bought without knowledge from preowners?